Thursday, October 14, 2004

Pop-up Debates

I watched the final presidential debate last night. It was what I expected. A lot of mudslinging, a lot of impugning one another’s past actions, and a lot of inflated statistics. The whole time I watched, I wondered, “Is that true?” When they are talking about trillions of dollars it boggles my mind and I wonder if such a figure could be accurate.

This led me to an idea. I always enjoyed watching pop-up video on VH1. You know, interesting, but mostly useless facts about a particular video, the artists, the sets, etc. What if we had pop-up debates. That way, when John Kerry says that Bush’s tax cuts are putting us 600 trillion dollars in debt, a little balloon pops up and says, “Actually, it is only 1 trillion.” Or when Bush says that Kerry voted for extra taxes 98 times, a balloon pops up and says, “Though true, 80 of them were for alcohol, cigarettes, and other vice taxes.”

ABC did have a fact checker at the end of the debate who set some things straight. But it was too little too late for me. I like instant gratification, and would like to know who is lying, who is skewing facts, and who is just a moron. But in order to know such things, I would have to spend way more time on the internet than I already do. And I just have no desire to do that.


Anonymous said...


i agree with you. everytime i want 2 get involved in the voting process or any political thing, i am so very quickly turned off by all the nonsense. i watched last night and many times asked out loud , " how in the hell do i know if that is real or just bullshit" i would think that if purgery in court is a punishable offense then why are the presidents of the country allowed 2 lie me when it comes to real and important issues that affect the very fabric of my life and all those around me whom i love. it completely enrages me that i cannot find any political information that is unbiased and just facts. do you know of any such material?

keep em comin


Fabian said...

I thought that they should introduce the Paint-ball-lie-detector. It would be fun, accurate and colorful. Everytime they lied the machine would detect it and fire a paintball at the culprit at 525 fps. Just think of it, it would rock!!

Regan Clem said...

But who watches the fact checkers?

Do you trust the CBS fact checker or the FOX fact checker?

I love our world.

Sam said...

Regan, paranoid as ever wants to know who watches the watchmen. The answer is, I guess, each other. Obviously, even the fact checkers could be biased, but come on. It has to start somewhere.

ALong those lines, does anyone have an answer to Rob's question - a place where one can get "unbiased" information.

As for Fabian, the concept of paintball being introduced into a debate would probably make a lot more people watch.