Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Olympic Discrimination

I want to hire the NAACP and the ACLU to bring a lawsuit against the Winter Olympics for geographical discrimination. It is not fair to some countries because they have neither cold weather nor the resources to compete in these events. And I am not just talking about those really small countries of which you have never heard (yes I am talking about you San Marino, Liechtenstein, and Kyrgyzstan). Did you know that Mexico has no representatives in the Winter Olympics? While Germany and the United States have 214 a piece. Mexico is a pretty big country, yet no one represents them. And this is where the lawsuit comes in.
The Winter Olympics are biased against those countries located in climates that are not conducive to “winter weather.” Just because most Mexicans have never seen snow, does that mean they shouldn’t be able to compete for country pride? Just because ice is something that keeps their cervaza cold, shouldn’t they be allowed to slide headlong down an icy hill? It just isn’t fair. The events are clearly predisposed to favor those countries that have mountains, snow, ice, and temperatures that drop below 50 degrees. Enough is enough. Too much discrimination exists in the world, and when it comes to national pride, each country should be represented.

If you are interested in contributing to the discrimination lawsuit fund send your contributions via Paypal to

PS – Plans are already underway for a suit brought by the people of Antarctica against the Summer Olympics.

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