Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Camp Experience Part III

On Friday of camp, each family contributed something to the worship service. My group was in charge of the "Afirmation of faith." Thus, we came up with our own creed. The ideas are all theirs - I just organized and reworded it for clarity. Big props go out to Whitney, Angela, Logan, Tsedeye, Sam, Jordan, Robby, Oliyad. We call it the Malaria Creed because we called our family "Malaria." Hope you enjoy.

Malaria Creed
We believe in the Lord God Almighty, the One and only true God
The Maker of the Universe—even spiders, gnats and mosquitoes.

We believe that God helps us when we are weak
And that his tough love overcomes our stubbornness.

We believe that God is the Protector of the weak
And the Forgiver of sins.

We believe that God is faithful and answers prayer
Without Him we are nothing.
With Him we are precious.

We believe that God makes miracles happen.

We believe that God is the Giver of joy and happiness.

We believe that we died in Christ,
that Baptism washes away our sins,
that the Spirit is our conscience and our strength,
and that we have been gifted to build up the body.

We believe that we are assigned to be caretakers of God’s creation
and that Praise and Worship is our calling and our life’s end.

We believe that it is our goal to ameliorate all situations.

We believe in the Fellowship of Christians
We believe the church is made up of all who believe in Christ.
We believe we are called to commune with one another and Christ to remember His sacrifice.

We have assurance that Christians will make it into heaven
We look forward to everlasting life with Christ.


1 comment:

shannoncaroland said...

what great exercise for highschoolers (or anyone, really)!