Wednesday, August 17, 2005

An Anniversary

Today is a special day in my household. Though some of you may realize that it is the 1-year anniversary of this blog, an even more important event has taken place—my son turns 1 year old today. I am not sure how the beginning of my blog and his birthday coincided, but that is just the way it goes.

I started this blog with the hopes of ironing out some of my theological quandaries and questions. I termed this blog “Second Call” because I wanted to reexamine my relationship with the Savior. It was as if God was calling me a second time to follow Him. But I never thought that “Second Call” or even my first calling would mean taking care of a baby. I grew up thinking I would have an office job somewhere, put in my 9 hours, and then go home to see my family. But life doesn’t always turn out as we think it will—sometimes it is better.

It has been my privilege and honor to take care of Elijah. He’s something else. As he grows and his body and personality change, I see him take on various qualities and his mother and me. And through this little baby, I learn new things about myself too. I haven’t ironed out all the rough spots in my theology. In fact, I haven’t written much on this blog for quite a while. I guess I haven’t had the time or desire. Spending most of my time with this little guy seems to far outweigh being viewed in the ranks of Calvin, Luther, or Augustine.

I hope to keep thinking about spiritual things—it keeps me sane most of the time. But I hope that God uses this time with Elijah to reveal new mysteries about Him—ones I could not comprehend by just reading His Word and thinking upon it, but by experiencing His Creation, both great and small.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The amazing thing about being a parent is that God reveals himself to us in such special tender ways.
Enjoy your time with Elijah. Life never stops for anyone and changes come too soon and too fast. Some are good changes; others are an opportunity - to grow, to reconsider, to pray even harder.
Enjoy - parenting is a such a blessing!
Mom Peterson