Friday, November 18, 2005

Prevaliling Prayer Sermon Part 5-Conclusion

Prevailing Prayer means that prayer permeates our lives. That prayer is a constant from the time we get up until the time we go to sleep. Praying without ceasing is being able to pray in the moment.

I believe that much of the power of prayer is that your heart is changed as much as the heart of God:
When you praise him you begin to understand your place in this world
When you seek His healing your realize that only His power can make you whole again
When you come to Him hurting, you are fully relying on Your heavenly Father to make things better.

Prayer should change us as much if not more than it changes God.

I talked about how prayer is cyclical—that you end up at the beginning again. So I ask you, “Where are you in the cycle?”
Maybe you need to begin looking around at the good in life instead of dwelling on the bad. Offer up praise to the God who is so deserving of it.
Maybe you need a fresh start both physically and spiritually. Come to the Great Physician for the healing that only He can bring.
Maybe you are just hurting so badly from the pain of life. Come to the cross and be comforted. Be reminded of God’s faithfulness in the past and in the future.

The closer we are to God in our prayers, the further we are away from the concerns of the world. God waits to hear from you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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