Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Nationalism and Sport

This year the Olympics have returned to its roots by going back to where it all started – Athens, Greece. I thought this was a great idea, and could possibly lend itself to a lot of great moments. So I started watching, but I didn’t see the sort of events that defined the Olympics back in the day. I see badminton, table tennis, synchronized diving and swimming, 2 versions of volleyball, and shooting. But perhaps the most annoying “competition” (I hesitate to call it “sport”) is the trampoline. Apparently team, individual, and some crazy performance was not enough gymnastics—they had to add in a trampoline into the mix. And they wonder why the stadiums are empty. I don’t know, could it be because there are about 500 different competitions, most of which are contrived to appease a small group and very few of which are worth watching?

The whole thing reminds me that our world is wasting so much time on things that just don’t matter. More than that, we continue to set up these events that make nations compete for the right to be called the best nation in the world. And lo and behold, the USA continues to dominate and come out on top. And we think we have come so far.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I haven't seen the trampoline. I think the worst is the rhythm gymnastics. Some chic jumping around while twirling a big long ribbon is not a sport.


Regan Clem said...

The trampoline made me laugh. Then I promptly changed the channel.

The problem is that they weren't nude. The original Olympics had nude athletes. Michael Phelps is almost there.

Anonymous said...

Nude running, ouch...

Sam said...

Yes, the swimmers, beach volleyballers, and sprinters are all but nude. But can you imagine biting it while running the hurdles nude? Ouch. Of course that might go for any activity in which you are nude and then fall.

Anonymous said...

Morality has nothing to do with it. Nude trampolining would just be gross.

As Seinfeld so adequately put "There is good naked and bad naked." Trampolining is very very bad.


Regan Clem said...

nude gymnastics would be very disturbing as well.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the beach volleyball celebration was the best event...

Regan Clem said...

Imagine if they were naked.