Monday, August 30, 2004

Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs

All I heard leading up to the Olympics was the overwhelming concern over the security. Would the Police and Security agents be able to keep everyone safe? Could they keep terrorists from blowing up the stadiums? Would Al Keida strike? And the answer-no. There was nothing. No bombs; no threats; no crazy radical Islamic followers; nothing but national pride. We expect those heathen Muslims to act against such a gathering, but in the end-nothing.

Oh, wait, there was something. There was one incident. But he was not Muslim. He was not a terrorist. He was a defrocked priest from Scotland wearing a man dress. He ran out in his little kilt and pushed the leader of the men’s marathon off of the road. Along with the kilt he had a sign on his back that read, "“The second coming is near says the Bible. The Grand Prix Priest Israel Fulfillment of Prophecy Says the Bible”." I am so sick of signs like his. Apparently a couple of years ago he ran out into the track of British Grand Prix traffic with cars traveling at 200 mph wearing a sign that read, "“Read the Bible -- the Bible is always right."” But he isn’t the only one toting a sign.

I see signs on Church billboards warning of hell for sinners or guilting people who pass by into attending church.
I see people stomping around free clinics carrying signs that read “"Abortion is murder.” "
I see signs around the capitol building that read "“Fags go to hell.” "

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs. But where is the love? What ever happened to “Love your neighbor and pray for those who persecute you.” God, it pisses me off. When are we going to learn that the kingdom is more than a matter of talk, but of power and love. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Agreed, 100%


Anonymous said...

The leathered oval object is flying in successful with great success and while searching for other football mobygunner successes I read your Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs. Failure is not an option for most successful and my passion as read at successful has a similar theme. You have a great read here and thanks for promoting the great game in life.