Monday, April 25, 2005

Free at Last - Introduction

I preached yesturday. This week will contain the points of my sermon. Hope you enjoy.

Free at Last—Colossians 2:6-23

Most of our houses have rules that are laid down from the outset. No running or playing with the ball inside. Brush your teeth after meals. Use a coaster. Be home by 11:00. Call me if you go somewhere. No friends over when we aren’t home. Don’t play in the street. Eat your vegetables. Pick up after yourself. The list goes on and on. All these rules are intended for some purpose—to keep you safe, out of trouble, help you grow, etc. But parents usually don’t convey that information. When asked “Why?” what is the response? “Because I said so!” Not very convincing, even with the paddle in hand.

Some houses are stricter than others. Some houses feel like a prison with all the rules and the things that are not allowed. Of course, most teenagers always feel like they are living in a prison, regardless of how lenient the home may be. They long to break free from these arbitrary rules that really don’t make sense and live with freedom. And at some point, parents have to let them go. Well, at least they are supposed to.

When I go to my parent’s house, I often feel like I have been transported back to high school. They want to know where I am going; when I’ll be back; and it better be by 11:00. Okay, I am a grown man. I don’t need my parents telling me when to be home. Though the rules may have had their place in the past, it is time for them to let go and let me live free. They don’t make sense any longer. These rules that at one time helped keep me from harm are now making me feel like a prisoner—locked up for life with no hope of parole.

Sometimes the Christian life can feel the same way. When we are young Christians, just learning the way, it is good to have structure before we are thrown to the wolves. But when we become more concerned about keeping rules than living free in Christ, we are like a 40 year old with a curfew—destined for frustration.

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