Thursday, April 14, 2005

Has anyone seen the ark?

“When you see the Covenant-Chest of GOD, your God, carried by the Levitical priests, start moving. Follow it…Look at what’s before you: the Chest of the Covenant. Think of it—the Master of the entire earth is crossing the Jordan as you watch.” Joshua 3:3,11

For the Israelites, the ark of the Covenant symbolized the presence of God. When it was placed in the tabernacle, God would descend and enthrone himself between the cherubim. I suppose the ark was more than a symbol—it was a reassurance that God had not left them. In all their battles and travels, the ark led the way. Or perhaps, more literally, God led the way and the people followed. No matter what the opposition looked like or how tough they seemed, the Israelites could look to the ark and be reminded that the “Master of the entire earth” was with them.

We don’t have an ark. We don’t have a physical symbol of the presence of God. And so it may seem far more difficult to engage in difficult tasks. But reassurance still remains. The presence of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct dwells among us, if we would only listen and respond. When we sense the presence of God moving and pushing forward, we need to follow. It may take us to places that are not comfortable. It may take us to places that are difficult. But through it all, we should be reminded that the God of the universe is leading the way. It is He that will direct, command, and ultimately win the battle.


Regan Clem said...

The Nazarene church, at least ours, views the altar as the new ark. God is much more present if you go forward to the altar.

Sam said...

That's interesting. Many Christians passingly acknowledge the presence of God "in our hearts" but really think He resides in the church building.