Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Sad Day

I had not planned on posting anything today (as I am working on a sermon for Sunday), but I wanted to ask for your prayers for a family that I don’t even know. I had a student in my OT class last semester that was a great guy. His name was Steven Hunter. He was kind, funny, and a good student. He even came over to watch the Michigan-OSU football game. Yesterday while working out in the field house at Milligan, his body underwent cardiac arrest and he died. He was only 20 years old. It is sad, sudden, startling. You can read more about him if you wish here.

He is the second person in the past year that I know personally that has died suddenly like this. It makes me consider the frailty of life. It makes me wonder what would happen if Carrie died like that or if I did. I am glad that I have the hope of my salvation, but I can’t help but hate living with the effects of the fall and separation from God.

Pray for the Hunter family. Pray for the students at Milligan. Pray for those who do not know the Savior, for we do not know when we will meet our Maker.

1 comment:

shannoncaroland said...

Sam, I'm so sorry.