Monday, January 09, 2006

TCTC - 2

One of the things I like most about TCTC is the variety found in the worship services. Different groups bring different offerings and that all blend together to give glory to God. Granted, some don’t particularly care for one special or another, but in the end each is a sacrifice of praise brought from each person’s heart.

With that being said, the dance troupe Relentless brought interpretive dance last year and this year, and I LOVE IT. Which, to be honest, is very unlike me. Normally I think much of the interpretive dance is pretty lame. But both the peppy and the slow songs that they dance to are great. Their depiction of “Holy Fire” makes me shiver every time I see it.

But perhaps what is most amazing is that they have taken actions that the world defiled and redeemed it for the glory of God. As I watch TV, when people are dancing, especially to Hip-hop music, they are grinding and performing sexually provocative movements. But there was none of that by “Relentless” and they were not lame. Their steps were precise and the performance was as good as any I have seen in pop culture.

Over and over, various speakers drove home the point—use whatever you are talented at for the glory of God. Whether you skate, sing, dance, play an instrument, do comedy, play with puppets, or whatever you do to bring glory and praise to God. And you never know - maybe one day you will performing before God in front of 3700 teenagers.

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