Tuesday, May 09, 2006


So gas prices are over $3/gallon in most places. Most people just want to talk about how atrocious thus situation is and how something needs to be done soon or we won’t be able to gas up our boats, SUVs, 4-wheelers, and NASCARs. And do you know what I say? GOOD! I am one of the few people who am somewhat pleased about this turn of events. No, I don’t like paying out the crack for gas. But I also don’t like state of the environment which is quickly deteriorating thanks to our exhaust and wastefulness. Hopefully, now that people are being hit where it hurts (their bank accounts), they will stand up and demand that the government does something.

The technology exists for cheaper, more efficient fuels and engines.
The technology exists to reduce emissions and exhaust.

And though I am not a conspiracy theorist, it seems very apparent that the government is delaying such technologies from becoming more prevalent because they have vested interests elsewhere. The environment and fuel technologies will be the big issues in the next election. And I hope that people don’t vote based just on the candidate whom they think will make life cheaper for them. I hope they consider what is best for our world.

I don’t know how soon the effects of global warming will really affect our world (as if hurricanes, mudslides, droughts, and flooding aren’t enough). But hopefully we can stop and even reverse possible consequences of our pollution and wastefulness. I am preaching this summer at camp about the creation groaning and the Christian’s responsibility in caring for the rest of God’s creation. There is so much I want to say, but at the same time I don’t want it to turn into a tree hugging ultra liberal rant. So, any suggestions or resources are welcome.

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