Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Personal Holliday

Today is a special day. It is Elijah’s birthday – 2 years on this planet. Unbelievable that he has been in my life that long. He is an awesome kid – smart, stubborn, funny, full of life, with a touch of OCD for good measure. He has taught me that patience and grace are better teachers than strict discipline. Though he may never read anything I write, he has influenced me more than I or he will realize.

It is also the 2-year anniversary of the inception of this blog. It is hard to believe that I have been posting my thoughts for two years. It is also hard to believe anyone reads them. I enjoy doing it as it forces me to think, to evaluate, to accept criticism, and to be humble when people don’t respond to what I think is brilliance.

Very little has changed, and yet it seems like so much.
I am still serving at the same church, but now with a new minister.
I am still married to Carrie, but now we have two children.
I am still searching for God but am less concerned about finding the “correct” theology.

The journey of life is a journey of faith. Faith that your hopes and dreams will be accomplished. Faith that your life is not a waste but holds a meaning often beyond what you can see. Faith that in the end this is not some cosmic experiment or joke.

This is the faith I hold despite what I see around me. I see a world that is being torn apart by war, hatred, and selfishness. It is not a world that I want my children to see. But I believe in a world that claims God as King. I believe that the reign of God can overcome even the worst evils. And to such end, I will keep searching. Keep journeying. Maybe even keep writing.

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