Thursday, December 16, 2004

Desperate Indeed

ABC, in my opinion, is destroying the competition with the lineup the have at night. Most people have heard and watched enthralled as “LOST” has captured the attention of the viewing public. But I have taken notice of a different show. “Desperate Housewives” has gotten rave reviews by critics and shocked responses by conservatives. Here is a show about lustful mothers and wives, wayward teenagers, suicide, divorced families, cheating spouses, etc. And on the surface, there is a lot of vice that is put out there for the world to see. But I do not see that vice is being glorified and projected as normative. Rather, these women struggle to make it through the day and the pressures of life. And often, they fail. They succumb to temptation. They are forced to lie and cheat to cover up their past sins. And they enter into a downward spiral that seems to have no end. But somehow, some way, they get relief. They have friends that support them. The last two shows have ended with Jerry Springer Final Word moments that have really impressed me. Listen to what the mother who committed suicide yet still provides a dialogue from beyond the grave says:

“There is a widely read book that tells us that everyone is a sinner. Of course, not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things they do. In contrast there are those that assume more than their share of the blame. There are others who soothe their consciences with small acts of kindness or by telling themselves their sins were justified. Finally there are the ones that vow to do better next time and pray for forgiveness.”

“People are complicated creatures. On the one hand able to perform great acts of charity. On the other…capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal. It’s a constant battle that rages within all of us. Between the better angels of our nature, and the temptation of our inner demons. And sometimes, the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.”

That is some deep stuff, even if it is from a show that is popular probably due to the overabundance of attractive actresses. I am interested to see where this all leads. Will they be forced to endure the consequences of their actions? Will they receive grace? Will their past transgressions be covered up and ignored, sending a message to the viewer that you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t get caught? I don’t know.

But in the midst of this story resides a spiritual element that cannot be overlooked. The women are desperate for more than just sex. They are desperate for stability, salvation, and compassion. And in the end, I believe they reflect more of humanity than we like to admit or are comfortable with. But the needs are there, and the "light of compassion" has already come.

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