Monday, May 16, 2005

Decency Laws

I have noticed that our government is spending a lot of time investigating and making laws about things that I have little interest in (steroids in pro sports being a major one). Well I have an idea—let’s make some laws that actually make an impact on the common man. Here’s one based on something I have noticed when I go into restaurants. Let me take you through the encounter:

I walk into the restaurant with my wife at my side and my 9-month-old baby in hand. The inevitable question is asked: “How many?” I reply, “2 and ½.” Chuckle chuckle. The hostess follows up with: “Smoking or non-smoking?” I look at my child and say wryly, “Non-smoking.”

Does anyone else see the problem? Who would expose their infant child to unnecessary smoke inhalation? With all we know about cancer, asthma, emphysema, allergies, and more, one would have to be insane to say, “Smoking section please.” I know parents smoke, but for the sake of the child, could you refrain for an hour?

Thus, I propose that we make a law that if a family has a child under 4 years old, they cannot be in the smoking section. I don’t know what the punishment would be, but in my mind subjecting kids to such abuse is at the very least a crime, and probably is a sin.

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