Thursday, May 19, 2005

Oh what a night!

There is a song, whose lyrics escape me except the chorus, “Oh what a night.” This describes my evening last. Quite a night. One I will not soon forget. It all began with youth group, at which the group actually listened. Did it impact anyone? We will have to wait and see. It was followed by “Lost”—gripping, compelling, informative, great. It was followed by the season finale of “Alias.” Also better than I could have hoped for. And it ended with a midnight screening of Star Wars Episode III. Wow. Some night.

The best stories come from the trip to the movie theater. There were of course your hardcore fans with the outfits (the full Darth Vadar Costume was easily the best). There were your dorks trying to duel one another with light sabers. There were your wackos who camped out in front of the theater merely for the fun of it. But none of those things was the weirdest encounter on the night. This award goes to a person whom I will call “hotty bo botty.” She arrives to the Star Wars premiere in stellettos, a super mini-skirt, and a skintight tube top. And I wonder—have you exhausted all the possible booty calls from the bars and clubs that you are forced to come to a Star Wars movie to find possible hook ups. If so, you are scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I mean seriously, when you think Star Wars geek you may think eligible, but you don’t think desirable.

A couple of pet peeves. First, talkers during the movie. One of my buddies shared how 2 rednecks talked the entire movie. From, “Man she has big boobs” to other comments about the princess, to idiotic statements about the movie, these guys all but ruined it for my friend.

Secondly, a non-existent curfew. Why are 9 year old kids out in the middle of the night to watch a movie? You know they are skipping school the next morning. Do you really want to expose your kid to the madness of Star Wars hype? Well, each parent will be accountable.

All in all a great night. I am tired and Elijah doesn’t realize that daddy has only had 4 hours sleep, but I live with my choices. My only regret—I left my camera at home. Let me know what you thought about the movie or either of the great shows on ABC.


Fabian said...

Sam, read my comments on GLCC you will.

Anonymous said...

"Oh what a night. Late December back in '63. What a very special time for me. What a lady what a night. You know I didn't even know her name, but I was never gonna' be the same. What a lady what a night."

Not exactly appropo to your night out, but a nice try.
