Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

So, I occasionally search Google for pictures to use in the Sunday Service at church. I put in things like “Jesus,” “Cross,” etc. Once, I put in “Communion” and I found my way to the most bizarre thing I have seen in a while. I have reproduced it for you below. But you can find it in all its glory here. Now I know that the concept of Jesus’ body and blood is a little weird, but this is taking it a little far. Ugh. I get wierded out just thinking about it. Let me know if you think this sort of theology is good for reaching the Goth group or not.


Jesus is a vampire. Living in my veins.
His blood is my desire. Strike the nail and let it rain.

Father, feed your children. We hunger for the feast.
Flesh cut from your body. That saves us from the beast.

Pleasure from your pain. Your sacrifice, our gain.
Strike the nail and break the vein. Let it rain.

I have the fear of God. The wrath and retribution.
A terror that will never hide. And has no absolution.

I want to be like Jesus. A vampire in the flesh.
Spare the children of my coven. And sacrifice the rest.

Strike the nail. Break the vein.
Bleed on me. Let it rain.


Fabian said...

Not good. Not good at all.

shannoncaroland said...

I'm with Fabian. I think it is good to wake people up to the brutal truths that are taken for granted during communion (i.e. we are eating flesh and blood). But the vampire illustration is evil. Everything about vampires is dark. And what fellowship does light have with darkness?