Monday, March 07, 2005

The Kingdom Come

I complain a lot about what the church is doing wrong, and the things that I wished they would do more of. But today, I want to share a great thing that has happened in the church that I serve. A need came up in our congregation, and we pulled together and rectified the situation.

A low to no income family live in a house that had a tin roof that was not doing the job of keeping the weather out. The rain would come in and was ruining parts of the house. They don’t have much money to fix the problem, so they just lived with it. One of our members noticed the situation and brought it to the church for help. We tried some government organizations, but the amount of red tape and the time it would take made it not worth the effort. So we just brought it to the congregation and asked for donations of money and time. The response was awesome. We raised the money for a new metal roof, and the men of the church put it on the house this weekend. I have a picture of the new house here. If you would like to see more you can see them on my website.

If only this church and other churches would focus on loving the poor among us, the backbiting and disputes that often crop up would fall by the wayside. When we are united in a common goal, those other things seem so futile and not even worth the effort.

More than that, people who only have a passing concern in attending church services came out en mass to help. It proves that to me that people don’t get involved with the church not because they aren’t good people, but because they are passionate about things other than hearing another lesson.

I hope that our church can continue to be unified, not just when projects like this come up, but in all things as we seek to glorify God together.

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