Thursday, March 17, 2005

Seder what?

I have finished reading the Torah (first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible) and coincidentally last night our church experienced a Seder meal together. For those who have never eaten a Seder meal, it is a stripped down Jewish Passover meal somewhat reinterpreted in a Christian light. It was interesting to hear the Passover story retold in light of having recently read the Biblical account and the resulting laws and instructions. Unfortunately, Elijah was getting tired, so I had to leave after the meal, before the last 2 cups, the Aficomen, etc.

One particular interpretation I enjoyed was that of the second cup. Jewish people do not drink from that cup, because it represents the plagues brought upon Egypt and sin. And in the garden, when Jesus prays for the cup to be taken from him, he speaks of this cup. He asks not to drink it, knowing full well what it contains and what will result. Fascinating stuff.

All this is to say, an appreciation for the history, culture, and practice of the Biblical Israelites makes the New Testament come alive. You see why Jesus did some of the things he did, and why the Israelites responded as they did. We see why some of Jesus’ words were so controversial, and why his actions at times angered the religious leaders. I would go as far as to say that I don’t think we can properly (or perhaps fully) understand and interpret the NT without first gaining a profound respect and understanding of the OT.

Until next time, Shalom (peace, wholeness, wellness)

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