Monday, November 01, 2004

Birthday Sentiments

Today, November 2nd, is indeed Election Day. Today the American public will decide the course that the country will take for the next 4 years. And though I have an interest in the outcome, my thoughts will be elsewhere today. For today, I will spend the day with my soul mate, Carrie. She turns 27 today. We will celebrate her birth, which the consequences and blessings I have felt in the past and continue to feel.

She has been with me through all of my rantings, my impatience, my arrogance, my selfishness, and all my other faults. She has been with me through my calling to ministry, through my desire to attend seminary, and through my last semester where I was taking 15 hours, writing a thesis, and working many hours at the church.

She has blessed me lately with our son Elijah. He has brought all kids of new joy to our lives. But before that, she was willing to suffer morning sickness, drastic changes in body shape, fatigue, discomfort, pain, and she knows what else. All just to help complete our family.

Carrie, though I spend too much time on these stupid blogs, though I waste too much time playing games, though I don’t spend enough quality time with you, and though I don’t say “I love you enough,” words and blogs can’t express what you mean to me. Thanks for being there for me. Thanks for loving me. Posted by Hello

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