Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The Tri-universe: Time and Matter

It is wonderful to realize that time consists of future time, present time, and past time. All time has been future and will be past. The future is the unseen and unexperienced source of all time. It is made visible and manifest, moment by moment, in the present. It then moves into the past, into the realm of experienced time. Man’s consciousness of time pertains only to the present, but this does not lessen the reality or significance of both the past and the future in his experience and understanding. He is enabled to understand the present, and even to some extent the future, in terms of the past. But both his recollection of past time and his anticipation of future time are visualized in terms of his consciousness of present time.

And again all these relationships and functions are closely parallel to those of the persons in the Godhead. The Father is the unseen source. From Him proceeds the Son, in who He is visibly revealed. From the Son in turn proceeds the Holy Spirit, who interprets and makes meaningful the actual experience in the Son and the Father.

Matter can only be understood and considered in relation to that portion of space it occupies and that duration of time when it functions. Every manifestation of matter in the universe takes place in time and space. Matter and energy may be synonymous and include light, heat, sound, electricity, radiation, and all other manifestations of energizing phenomena, capable of producing motion and accomplishing work. The very presence of energy is necessarily manifest in motion. If energy is present, it will beget motion. It accomplishes work. Thus, there is energy (matter) that is unseen but powerful which begets and manifests itself in motion, and is finally experienced in terms of a phenomenon that is produced. Matter invariably is equivalent to energy, and energy is invariably manifested in motion, and motion invariably produces phenomena.

One may liken this concept to the Trinity by equating Energy to God, the manifestation of that energy (motion) to Christ, and the resulting phenomena to the Spirit.

I find these ideas fascinating even if the are stretched. Tomorrow will sort of review and summarize and hopefully put some flesh on these abstract ideas.

1 comment:

Randy Black said...

I thought that you might be interested in this.
Darwinists maintain that the general trend in the sedimentary strata, of simple marine creatures (deep in the strata) and fishes (shallower in the strata) with amphibians (still shallower in the strata) and reptiles (yet shallower in the strata) and mammals (generally shallowest in the strata), is reflective of the evolution of these creatures over millions of years. In reality, this general trend of fossils in the strata is reflective of the sequence of entombments that one would expect from a global flood catastrophe: a countless number of dense bottom dwellers first (like clams and snails), followed by lesser numbers of mobile water dwellers (like fish), followed by still lesser numbers of shore creatures (amphibians), followed by still lesser numbers of relatively immobile land creatures (reptiles), followed by the more mobile and intelligent (and therefore rarely fossilized) land creatures (mammals) from

Hopefully Munch'ems will be revived and not go the way of Quisp, Mars Bars, and Danish-Go-Rounds.